Bed bugs - what to do?

In the world it is believed that bed bugs love to settle down most of all in beds, in extreme cases - in sofas and easy chairs. In half the cases, this is the case: so that at night the parasites do not travel too far to the victims, it is extremely important for them to live as close as possible. As a result, it is safe and comfortable for them to live in beds.

As a rule, insects find the most comfortable places so that even with a great desire, a person could not get and get rid of bed bugs. Indeed, every night, starting from two to five in the morning, that is, at that moment when the person’s sleep is the strongest - insects go “hunting”.

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The principle of "hunting" bugs

When the parasites get drunk with blood, bugs in bed (mattresses, sofas, easy chairs) again hide and are full and satisfied, where they begin the process of assimilation of food and they sleep until the next day of hunting. And it repeats every day.

In the intervals between sleep and food, parasites quite successfully manage to lay eggs all in the same beds or in places located in sufficient proximity to it. For example, bed bugs in furniture with books or made of porous materials such as chipboard can be perfectly arranged.

Important! Think about it, for a lifetime - and this is about 2 years, a female bug can lay up to 500 eggs. It is terrible even to imagine what could happen to a bed if all these eggs had matured and the bugs that hatched from them would continue to work to increase the number of pest offspring.

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Signs of bed bugs

The first sign that bedbugs still appeared in the bed is bites. But do not confuse the bites of bedbugs with the bites of the same mosquitoes, midges, etc.

Mosquitoes suck out blood with the help of a long proboscis, but bugs have a proboscis several times smaller. Because of this, they are forced to pierce the skin several times in order to find the right place.

watermarked - dvuhmestnyj_ljuks_luxe_1There are black dots at the site of the bite. The fact is that during the exhaustion of blood, the parasite simultaneously digests it. That is why at the site of the bite you can see the waste of the parasite (black dots).

The difference between bites:

  1. Mosquitoes bite only in the warm season, namely in the summer. Therefore, if it happens in cold weather, then mosquitoes can immediately be excluded from the list.
  2. Bed bugs are a blood-sucking type of parasite that does not secrete substances responsible for blood coagulation; as a result, a drop of dried blood remains at the site of a bug bite.
  3. Usually, if there are bedbugs in the bed, then on the skin there will be not a few spots, but real bite paths, since the insect is constantly moving forward for a new portion of food.

Important! In addition to excrement, bite paths, there is another sign that bugs are wound up in the furniture - this is a specific smell in the room, vaguely reminiscent of the aroma of cognac.

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How to find parasites?

If suspicions about bedbugs have been confirmed, then do not delay the solution to this problem. We must immediately proceed to the search and neutralization of insect nests. For this:

  1. The first step is to remove all bedding from the bed and carefully examine the mattress.
  2. To improve the search for insects, you can use a magnifier and a flashlight. Especially often they can penetrate joints, holes, and also pay attention to the seams.
  3. After the mattress, carefully examine all the elements of the bed: legs, bottom, back, movable mechanisms, etc.
  4. You can turn the bed over to better inspect the bottom - if the dimensions of the furniture allow.

Important! Be extremely careful and careful not to allow the spread of parasites in your room before everything is ready for processing.

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How to get rid of bugs?

If it is possible to throw away the mattress in which you found bloodsuckers, do it immediately. Getting rid of bed bugs in the mattress is extremely difficult - it is much easier to destroy the nursery (which is the mattress) of insects and do a thorough processing of the bed structure.

If there is no way to get rid of the object inhabited by parasites, you need to process it together with the whole bed.

What tools are better to use for processing?

Many rely on the strength and power of folk methods, but it is better to choose all the same chemical preparations. For this purpose, those products that are made not by the artisanal method, but by well-established manufacturers, are the best suited. To find out what exactly has a quick destructive effect on bedbugs, you can clarify the list of funds from professional pest control.

Important! According to pest control, one of the most effective is Get. Its feature is a long residual validity period of six months. This allows you to finally get rid of bugs, even after hatching eggs.

Also no less effective means, but not with such powerful barrier effects, are:

  • Klopoveron;
  • “Theonon”;
  • "Cucaracha."

To distribute the poisonous mixture, it is better to use sprayers. This will make sure that the drug penetrates into all the cracks and seams in which bloodsuckers of this species usually hide during the day.

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Now you have an understanding of how to detect bed bugs in bed and what can be done to destroy them. Immediately proceed to action if you had to face such a problem and then the process will go much faster and more efficiently.

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