Antistress pillow with balls inside

The anti-stress pillow with balls inside is an innovation in the modern industry that helps people to relax and relax as much as possible. Manufacturers of such pillows claim that their products quickly and efficiently relieve nervous tension and improve a person’s psychological state. The need to contact a therapist disappears if you have such an item. Naturally, many people have doubts about such a healing effect of a simple pillow with balls. Is an extremely simple thing capable of doing such miracles? Does this thing really bring the promised relief after a hard day's work? All the nuances of this subject - about the principle of operation, filler and types of products we will discuss in this article.

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What is an anti-stress pillow?

Everyone knows that to get rid of negative emotions, fatigue and stress, a person needs to fully relax. This is what the pillow mnimka helps. Just lie on it or hold it in your hands. During these simple manipulations, a person will feel a light massage of the back, neck, head or hands, thanks to an unusual filler. Stimulation of nerve endings and leads to distraction from pressing problems and relaxation. As a result, the overall performance and well-being are improved.

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Product Form

Antistress pillow with balls inside is available in various forms:

  • In the form of geometric shapes: square, cylinder, circle, triangle.
  • In the form of a month. This option is convenient for stimulating the cervical muscles.
  • In the form of a variety of toys. Such products attract the attention of children and become one of the baby's favorite toys.

Important! Pillows are often brightly colored to cheer up.

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Useful Functions Ball Pillows Antistress

Any such product simultaneously performs several functions:

  • It has a beneficial effect on the psychological state of a person.
  • It develops fine motor skills, so such toys are so useful to children and the elderly.
  • They serve as a bright addition to the decor of the room.
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Fillers for anti-stress pillows

As a rule, a polystyrene synthetic material is used as a filler for an anti-stress pillow. It is foamed and round pellets of small diameter are obtained. This material was not chosen by chance, because it has several advantages:

  • Polystyrene is light in weight, which allows you to easily move even the largest pillow from place to place.
  • The material does not absorb moisture, so do not be afraid of the development of fungus or mold inside the pillow.
  • Doesn't crumble. Polystyrene retains its original shape throughout the life of the pillow.
  • It is not an environment for the development and reproduction of dust mites.
  • With pressure on the surface of the pillow with polystyrene inside, the balls are distributed evenly in the cover, thereby repeating the shape of the body part lying on it.
  • Safe for health. Thanks to all these qualities, pillows with such a filler can even use the smallest children and people prone to allergies without fear and risk of any disease.
  • Low cost price.
  • Simple filler care.

Important! In addition to polystyrene, other materials, such as buckwheat husk or wool, can also be used as filler. But it is worth noting that in this case, the cost of the item increases, and care for it requires more thorough.

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Cushion cover

Cases are made of high quality materials. Can be used for this purpose polyester, cotton or elastic knit.

Important! Often fabrics contain carbon fibers, which contribute to the elimination of static electricity.

podushki-antistressA quality case is another indisputable advantage of an anti-stress pillow with balls inside. Is he:

  • not wrinkled;
  • possesses excellent resistance to attrition and organic solvents;
  • does not sit and does not stretch after washing;
  • dries very quickly.
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Are ballistic antistress pillows for pregnant women?

We have already figured out that such products are suitable for almost all people, including children. But here's what about a special category of women - pregnant. Is it possible to use such a thing while relaxing to expectant mothers, will it harm her or her baby? The answer is unequivocal - no, it won’t do any harm.

An anti-stress pillow with balls inside has the following effects:

  • help a woman get a good rest;
  • will avoid problems with the back and neck;
  • relieve swollen legs.

Important! As a rule, models of pillows for pregnant women use larger balls. At first glance, such products are tough and large. However, in fact, they do an excellent job with the problems of expectant mothers.

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Can I wash a toy or an anti-stress pillow with balls?

No matter how many polystyrene merits, but it is not protected from dust. Dust can settle deep in the pillow and adversely affect the quality of rest. Covers also become dirty during frequent use. Therefore, a natural question arises: how to get rid of dust in the filler and is it possible to wash the pillow with balls? The answer will please you - you can and should wash.

Important! The regularity of washing the pillow-antistress should be at least two times a year.

Washing is an absolutely safe procedure - both for the filler and for the cover of such a pillow. In most cases, even washing in a washing machine is not contraindicated. But if you doubt the quality of your item, it is better to do a quiet hand wash.

Important! Do not use anti-stress pillow detergents that contain whitening or chlorine-containing substances.

How to wash an antistress pillow in a washing machine?

  1. To do this, you will need a pillowcase and detergent for delicate fabrics.

Important! It is impractical to use a washing bag, because if the cover ruptures, the balls will clog the washing machine, which can lead to damage to household appliances. A sewn pillowcase will not allow this and will leave all the filler in itself.

  1. For washing such a delicate subject, a hand or delicate program is more suitable.
  2. Spin is better to completely remove.
  3. Powder or liquid products must be used a little less than usual.
  4. It is impossible to dry a product in the car.
  5. After the end of the washing cycle, the pillow needs to be slightly wrung out and carried out in a draft. Put the product on a flat horizontal surface (a clothes dryer is perfect for these purposes).

How to wash the anti-stress pillow with balls manually?

  1. The pelvis should be filled with slightly warm water with a temperature of no higher than 40 degrees.
  2. Add a little delicate detergent to the water and stir until completely dissolved.
  3. Wash the pillow as a normal thing.

Important! If during washing the water became very dirty, it is necessary to update the soap solution and repeat the washing procedure.

  1. Rinse the pillow better under running water.
  2. After rinsing, the product should be slightly wrung out and sent to dry in the same way as with machine wash.

Important! Antistress toys wash like pillows. But the procedure should be repeated much more often, about once every 1-2 months.

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If you decide to buy an anti-stress pillow with balls inside, then you made the right choice. It will become not only a beautiful addition to the interior of the room, but also the best friend of every member of your family. And if you still doubt the necessity of having such an object as a pillow with balls at your place, then rather discard all doubts. Next time buying a toy for your child, think about its filler. Having bought an antistress toy, you will take care of his health and development. Have a good rest - it will improve your life!

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