Red kitchen

The red color of the kitchen with the right proportions of shades always looks bright, rich and rich. For any kitchen room, the background is one of the most important, so even designers are very responsible for the selection of such a nuance. In our article we will look at how to choose or complement a red kitchen set.

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How does the red color in the interior affect the mood?

The presence of red in the interior can energize, give joy, feel the holiday, fill with inspiration. This color scheme affects both the psyche and the human body, as the production of adrenaline increases, the pulse and heart rate increase, blood circulation improves, mental activity rises, passion awakens and the couple develops well.

Important! Consumers are of the opinion that the presence of red tones in the design of a kitchen should be avoided, since this color helps to fuel appetite. Scientists from many countries have conducted research and refuted a similar statement, having come to the conclusion that this is nothing more than a myth. So, owners of interiors in red tones in their reviews indicate that they have not recovered at all and have not eaten anymore.


The design of kitchens in this gamut is perfect for hospitable owners who often invite guests, appreciate a cozy atmosphere and do not prefer to spend leisure time alone.

Important! The rich colors in the decor and decoration irritate, depress, tire, cause anxiety and anxiety. Therefore, it is so important to maintain a balance and accurately maintain proportions, while giving preference to a calm background color scheme and decoration.


On the perception of space

The shades of red seem to “warm” the interior, while the atmosphere in the kitchen gives comfort and warmth. Especially on cold winter evenings, you will appreciate this property when there is not enough natural light and heat.

But red has the ability to bring objects closer, which leads to a visual “squeezing” of the space. As a result, a small kitchen with a red set seems much smaller than it actually is, and the furniture at the same time looks heavy and massive.

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Cons of red cuisine

Consider the negative sides if you choose red wallpaper in the kitchen:

  • If your work is continuous stress, constant stress, solving complex problems, having a lot of communication, then the presence of a bright interior is not able to set up for a relaxed and relaxing holiday.
  • The presence of a hyperactive baby who is happily worn around the house, the presence of a gloss of red facades can overexcite his nervous system.
  • If someone close or you yourself suffer from high blood pressure, then the presence of a bright red interior may worsen your well-being.
  • A difficult period in a relationship can be aggravated by the constant presence of red tones, while disputes and quarrels arise more often.
  • If you have a sunny and warm room in the kitchen with very warm batteries, then the presence of a red color scheme causes an uncomfortable state.


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Kitchen Wallpaper Color

If you choose a bright red suite for the kitchen, then the wallpaper can be selected in any color scheme. At the same time, they should be a background that will not immediately catch the eye and displace furniture items in the background.

Light gamma

You can use the following colors:

  • white
  • beige;
  • cream;
  • milk and other light colors.


Dark gamma

Also for a red interior, dark coloring of wallpaper is suitable, which can be a wonderful background for bright furniture. From dark tones, you can apply the following colors:

  • Gray;
  • the black;
  • marsh.


Dark tones can give even greater brightness and expressiveness to a bright headset. The use of such shades significantly reduces the soiling of the wallpaper and simplifies the care of them.

Important! The combination of dark tones and red color looks very original and expressive, if at the same time to observe measure, balance and harmony. And an overabundance of one of the shades can turn any kitchen into a dark room in which there is no coziness and comfort.



It is imperative to add several bright details that can dilute these tones. Thus, the kitchen becomes less aggressive and softer.

Important! If you use the modern version of multifunctional furniture for the kitchen room, this design solution will look great when using gray light wallpaper. Such a wall surface requires minimal maintenance and cleaning.


Helpful hints:

  • In the case of red wallpaper in the kitchen, you need to be very careful in choosing interior items, such as curtains, accessories, furniture, which should not resemble the look of a tree.
  • Against the background of red wallpaper, equipment and furniture made under the guise of natural materials do not look very nice. It is preferable to choose a modern version of furniture that has chrome details and a glossy white surface.
  • It also looks matte, which does not irritate the eyes and does not reflect light. The presence of such a surface can to some extent muffle the saturation of red. Furniture items may have some specific elements that match the tone of the wallpaper.
  • When choosing a wall surface in red colors for a red kitchen in the interior design, decoration details in black or any other contrasting color must be seen. Thus, the colors do not merge.
  • If you are wary of red wallpaper in the kitchen and are afraid that they will look too bright and aggressive, then you can use related colors that can soften the interior of the room. Designers are advised to dilute the red color with other shades in the kitchen, then it will not seem too intrusive.

Important! It is preferable to select any wall surface for the red kitchen in light shades, since the presence of a bright background in the kitchen room can create a fussy and intense energy. It is also not recommended to use bright colors for furniture. The darker the red wallpaper, the smaller the kitchen will visually appear.


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Choose a shade

How to choose the color of the walls in the red kitchen?

  • A diverse palette of red shades ranges from noble and deep to aggressive and bright colors, such as burgundy, pomegranate, ruby, raspberry, cherry, wine, lingonberry, magenta, red-orange, brick, terracotta, scarlet, cinnabar, coral, crimson, crimson , crimson and many others.
  • The red assortment contains warm colors that have notes of yellow, orange, brown shades.
  • There can also be cold colors with a strong influence of purple and blue.
  • It is preferable to choose warm tones for dark spaces, with windows facing west and north, but cold shades are more suitable for warm eastern and southern rooms.

Important! The most insidious is the presence of a pure rich red color and flashy shades like scarlet. Even professionals find it difficult to work with. When discussing with the designer of the future headset, get acquainted with all the shades of materials that the manufacturer offers. The use of burgundy and cherry facades makes the kitchen design much softer, more harmonious and calmer.


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Wallpaper drawing

Depending on the style and taste preferences, the pattern on the red kitchen wallpaper can be all kinds of and the most diverse. It can be flowers, circles, cage, strip. The main condition is that the picture does not have many colors. Better - if the image will have neat lines in black or white. Thus, restraint and elegant appearance are acquired.

Important! Try not to use the wall surface and the red headset in the same color. One emphasis must be present in the interior and something should be the second plan.

The use of a moderate amount of red colors helps to design the kitchen as a modern, beautiful, bright and comfortable room that can charge you with a good mood and energy, even if this color does not suit you.


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Successful combinations of red in the interior of the kitchen

By itself, the red tint is an active leading color that does not accept any competition. But do not make out the kitchen only in this shade. To balance his passion and brightness, you can use partner colors that can add style and harmony to the room. Other colors such as white, black, brown, sand and others can dilute the red tint and create a spectacular interior. Consider the most common options if a red kitchen set is used.


Red black

The red and black kitchen is an interesting combination, which contains the spectacular and dramatic effect of one color and the piercing of a different shade. Since these two colors are quite heavy and separately, when combining them, you should adhere to a certain proportion.

To reduce aggressiveness, you need to add a third light shade, for example, pearl, beige, ivory. Thus, the interior is balanced and there is a visual expansion of the space.

Important! With a small and dark room, it is not recommended to create a design in black and red colors. And without that, a small space will look much smaller, and the dark atmosphere of the interior will quickly get bored and annoy you.


Red white

Red and white kitchen is the most versatile and win-win option in both classic and modern interiors. As a rule, white color is inherent in the upper facades, but the design of the top in red tones also looks spectacular.

Important! It is worth paying attention to the fact that the presence of a saturated color, which is constantly at eye level, will soon be bored.

The proportions of these shades should be selected, taking into account the size of the kitchen. At the same time, the smaller the kitchen has, the more white elements are introduced into the design:

  • If the interior is dominated by red, it is preferable to add accessories of other shades, such as raspberry, coral, thanks to which the main tone is muffled.
  • White color looks great in combination with chrome parts of household appliances and furniture.


Red gray

The red-gray kitchen is characterized by the presence of a calm neutral achromatic shade and the activity of red. This color combination is often used to create a high-tech style that harmonizes perfectly with glass and steel technology.This duet is able to give style to the room and create comfort and coziness.

A discreet gray tone balances the richness of the red kitchen, while adding a touch of classicism. When selecting traditionally gray for the wall surface, the facades of the cabinets are given bright colors. Then the apron above the work surface is designed in the form of a picture or pattern in a suitable color scheme, in harmony with the main colors.

Important! Red color in the design of the kitchen should be used with caution. Exacerbation of some chronic diseases can be triggered by color activity.


With a dark and light tree

The combination with oak, wenge and other wood species looks great with a version of the red kitchen, made in a modern style. Due to the interesting texture, the presence of the natural beauty of wooden facades can make the kitchen space much more comfortable and expressive.

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How do you know if red is right for you?

To understand how the red color scheme suits you, you should familiarize yourself with the table of existing types of temperament with the indicated colors for each of them:

  • Choleric. This temperament is characterized by constant movement, so for this type of red color serves as a real source of vigor and energy charge. You can safely use the red kitchen.
  • Sanguine. These are strong, mobile, cheerful and balanced personalities that are characterized by inconstancy. They often change both decisions and color preferences. Therefore, such a temperament, the red color in the kitchen should be used in a minimal amount.
  • Phlegmatic person. This is a type of slow, assiduous, calm personalities who feel uncomfortable when they are in the red for a long time.
  • Melancholic. These are sensitive, sensible, mostly insecure and touchy people who do not need to contact aggressive red for a long time.


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Interior style for red kitchen

Red kitchen is best designed with a design decision of a modern style. This design is characterized by the use of various glass, metal or chrome inserts that do not look so advantageous when creating other interiors.

High-tech, classic style, Retro, Modern are the most acceptable styles for the kitchen in red colors.


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Some of the most successful combinations

Consider some design secrets, the use of which allows you not to make mistakes and successfully arrange the kitchen in red colors:

  • The presence of a red kitchen apron can emphasize the red floor.
  • Wallpaper for the red version of the kitchen looks more interesting in combination with some decorative elements on appliances, furniture, made in red colors.
  • Red wallpaper in the kitchen can greatly highlight the furniture, which will be matched in lemon colors. You can also choose beige, cream, or white furniture.
  • The red wall surface of the kitchen will look beautiful if you choose curtains that will be several tones lighter. In the case of an emphasis on red curtains, the walls are best designed in red light shades.


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Kitchen size and red color

Bright colors require a spacious room, so for a small kitchen it is undesirable to use a large amount of red color, which mercilessly “eats” square meters.

If red wallpaper is still used in a small kitchen room, the rest should be done in white or other light colors. Thus, the kitchen will become cleaner and more spacious.


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Red kitchen furniture

Furniture items in bright colors harmoniously look with a neutral finish on the wall and ceiling surfaces. In this case, the kitchen comes to the fore, does not merge with the walls.

Important! The facades of the cabinets, decorated in two colors, are also able to reduce the contrast of colors.

You can use furniture made from various materials:

  • A popular set is made of MDF, which has a red plastic trim.
  • Laminated chipboard is a cheaper material, and the presence of a glossy surface on such furniture can create a stylish and modern look.

Important! Kitchen cabinets are made in the traditional direct form, a new radius design that differs in wavy shapes can also be used.

The main role in the interior of the kitchen is often played by a red tint. So, for example, if a young girl is the mistress of the apartment, then pale red tones can be picked up for the headset. Moderate shades, such as cherry, ruby, marsala, characterize the presence of an expensive headset from famous designers. The colors of tea rose or red chrysanthemum, warm coral or terracotta can emphasize the owner’s exquisite taste.


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Some interesting misconceptions and their solution:

  • There is an opinion that red color gives the body efficiency and strength, while it excitingly affects the human nervous system. This is true, but an excess of red can quickly tire a person. Only some red details can be used to reduce the negative effects of the red color scheme.
  • For a bright kitchen, it is preferable to use gentle light shades that can slightly increase the space of the kitchen, calm the visual perception of the room and focus on red furniture.
  • At the first moment, color perception is not always. correctly determined by man. Only when it will be among this color gamut during the day can we understand how comfortable it is in this color environment. Therefore, you can experiment by sticking red paper on the wall and observe your feelings.
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Not many consumers decide to use red color for the kitchen, since such a color scheme is suitable only for those lovers who seek to perceive the bright colors of life. Saturated red color can revive emotions, cheer up, but at the same time a long time in the red kitchen can quickly tire, lead to irritation. Before you design a kitchen design in red colors, you must carefully weigh all the positive and negative aspects of such a choice, then your kitchen will bring you positive emotions, a joyful mood from being in it.

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