Scratches on the floor - how to remove?

The most popular flooring in the last few centuries is parquet. This material is characterized by high wear resistance and strength. All manufacturers claim that parquet can last more than a hundred years. At the same time, its original appearance will practically not change. However, in order for it to serve you as long as possible, it requires careful personal care. The most common problem that occurs with such a coating is scratches on the floor. How to remove them, we will find out today!

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How to eliminate scratches on the floor?

There are many ways to fix scratches on such a decorative finishing material. Below we will provide you with a list of materials that can help in solving this problem.

To eliminate defects of various origins, you may find it useful:

  • ordinary walnut;
  • small rubber spatula;
  • colored wax or a pencil from this material;
  • sandpaper;
  • cotton fabric;
  • varnish or putty for parquet;
  • brush;
  • pharmacy ordinary iodine;
  • special pencil for retouching.

All of these ingredients can help you eliminate minor scratches, cracks, or chips. It is not necessary to have all of the above items at home, because one of the methods that uses a single item will help you deal with this discrepancy. Using one of the methods, you can solve the problem of how to remove scratches on the floor at home.

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Eliminate scratches on the floor

Let's take a closer look at each subject and method in the fight against various kinds of damage on the surface.


The most common way to eliminate cracks, chips and other damage to a decorative wood finish is to use wax. For this you need:

  • take this material (piece or pencil);
  • melt it in a microwave or oven.

Important! We draw your attention to the fact that the shade of wax must be selected according to the color scheme of the decorative material.

After you have melted the wax, apply it on a small rubber spatula and cover the cracks and damage on the floor.

Important! This procedure must be done very carefully, without leaving excess wax.

After closing the crack, see the remaining material with a cotton lint-free cloth. Wax copes with the problem of how to remove scratches from the floor with your own hands.

Walnut use

If you need to eliminate minor defects that are visible only visually when closely examined, you can use an ordinary walnut. To do this, use the edible part, namely the middle.

All you need to do is simply rub a small crack with a nut, which will subsequently darken, and the flaw will not be visible.


The most traditional solution to the issue of how to remove scratches on the floor at home is to use a special varnish. This solution is applied to a clean, fat-free surface with a thin layer using a rubber spatula. The varnish remains on the floor until it dries completely.img_8887

Retouched pencil

If your home has pencils, namely retouched, then you can simply mask the lack of surface. To do this, you will have to paint over the scratches.

Important! Painting a defect with a pencil does not fix the problem.Depending on the cause of the scratch, the crack may spread further. That is why we strongly recommend repairing minor defects rather than painting over.

Using putty

Another effective way to solve the problem, how to remove scratches on the floor at home, is a special putty. It is used for deep cracks in the main web. Putty can be purchased at any hardware store, and it is chosen in the same color scheme as parquet.


  • Apply it with a rubber spatula. This must be done carefully, without causing too much excess solution.
  • After you close the gap, you must leave the putty to dry completely.
  • After the putty is completely dry, sand the place that has been processed, sand it with sandpaper. It should have a fine grain.
  • After this procedure, the place where there was damage must be covered with a special parquet varnish.
  • Before applying varnish, the floor should be cleaned of dust and dirt.

Iodine application

Another way to mask defects of various origins is a solution of ordinary iodine. It must be mixed with water and applied to the damaged surface with an old toothbrush.

Important! This method is great for decorating oak, walnut or mahogany.

Parquet grinding

The most cardinal way to remove scratches from the floor with your own hands is to grind the entire flooring in the room. To do this, you need to use a special grinding machine to remove the entire top coating from the floor, thereby eliminating all bumps, chips, cracks, scratches and other imperfections. After this procedure, a new coating with paints follows.

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Parquet Care

In order not to solve the problem of how to remove scratches on the floor at home, you must constantly properly care for the floor. Then you will not actually think about what to do when the scuffs of different origins appear.

Important! Parquet delivery is the most durable and durable material that can be laid on the floor. To all this, it is one of the most expensive. On their own, such a coating is not actually put. Often hire people. Agree, if you gave a huge amount of money for laying the flooring, then it is not permissible that scratches immediately appear on it. That is why, a very important step is the care of this floor.

Parquet care rules:

  1. Pets need to constantly cut their claws. This is necessary so that they do not scratch the floor.
  2. On the legs of all the furniture that stands in the room where the floorboard is present, it is necessary to wear special “shoes”. These are felt pads that do not scratch the cover.
  3. To purchase special products that protect the parquet board - waxes, polishes with water-repellent properties.
  4. It is necessary to wash the floor gently, without pouring a large amount of water.
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If you follow the recommendations, take care of the parquet and avoid damage, then you will not even think about how to remove scratches from the floor with your own hands. But if circumstances turn out differently - now you are armed with several effective ways to deal with various defects.

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